Our Approach
At Pest Control Services 360, our strategy to pest control is exclusive and more centered on giving you the appropriate pest control solutions for your situation. The first step in pest control is to inspect the area for existing pest infestation, and likely points of entry. From this extensive evaluation, we design pest control treatments that remove the nuisance pest while incorporating environmentally friendly techniques to safeguard the health of family and pets.
Each of our exterminators possesses years of experience in Pest Control, using current industry practices properly and applying appropriate pest control solutions and equipment, including post treatment inspection to ensure no future invasion would occur. At Onset, we pride ourselves in informing our clients with simple measures to CET, therefore ensuring you are free from any pests. Our primary focus is to deliver to our customers a safe and efficient pest control solution on every service delivered.
CEO’s Message
For every client at Pest Control Services 360, our goal is clear pest management that enhances the safety and comfort of homes and businesses while being environment friendly and safe. We have been devoted to making sure that our clients get rid of pests effectively while preserving their health and the earth’s.
While pest problems are never convenient, they are particularly inconvenient at night when they start to interfere with your day to day activities. We don’t merely come to your home or business to simply eliminate pests; we come to ensure the preservation of your property, shield against future invasions, and keep that much needed symmetry of nature.
To our customers have always been the focus and we guarantee individual attention to each of them. At Work Care we respect each individual’s situation and the services provided are personalized to your particular circumstances. Regardless of the fact you are dealing with a persistent problem or wanting to avoid one, we are here to take care of all your concerns.
We appreciate your patronage of Pest Control Services 360 as your best solution to pest problems. We welcome the opportunity to provide you with our products and ensure you leave satisfied.
Menhaj Ahmad Zuberi
Pest Control Services 360

All Fumigation Services By Pest Control 360